New Year Hiatus

Hello lovely followers

Unfortunately J and I have been very slack in writing blog posts. Aside from having a mountain of work to do for the label, J was busy moving house and I was busy nursing a broken heart…

Yes, that's right. Thank god the heart is an involuntary muscle and keeps on pumping, because for a couple of weeks there I thought  it had stopped. In fact the past fourteen days has been a hazy blur. All I can remember is walking through the streets of the city and scowling at people who had a smile on their face. I was even tempted to go up to them and blatantly tell them that their happiness was in fact a lie. That the warm feeling they were experiencing was just preparing them for a massive heroin-like come down (not that I've ever touched heroine).

Well luckily for you guys, I lived through the break up and have realised that there is a lot to discover about the world when you're single and that a man isn't the be all and end all of our existence. Don't get me wrong, J is in an amazing relationship and has a man that plays her bloody pachelbel's canon on the piano before she sleeps. But J also has experienced her single time before piano man and agrees that singledome prepares you for your next relationship. 

Although I don't have someone to spoon me at night, I do have the freedom to watch what I like before I go to bed. I also can concentrate at work and don't have the regular love dazes to distract me from the task at hand. I have time to exercise! And i've just decided to take up painting. All of these things are contributing to a reinvention. I'm renovating my life and i'm loving it.

SO THERE! There is life after a break-up! You probably all knew it, but I just wanted to give you living proof! 

Next post will be about fashion, I promise!

Love always

N & J   xoxo

P.s. Here's to the new year and the NEW you! 


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N & J

Two girls from down under drawn together through their love of threads... We worked together for years and decided to start a label. Vintage, timeless pieces with a few statement pieces thrown in the mix. Enter TIDLØS... because we're over disposable fashion. N & J x x